Use "war between the powers|war between the power" in a sentence

1. Waging war; engaged in war: a peace treaty between Belligerent powers

2. The invasion of a buffer state by one of the powers surrounding it will often result in war between the powers.

3. The 1939 and 1943 Conquests deals with the Second World War, and the fight between the Allied Powers and the Axis Powers

4. 1878: Bannock War between the U.S

5. Each side was supported by external powers and the conflict expanded, becoming a proxy war in the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.

6. Belligerency exists in a war war, armed conflict between states or nations (international war) or between factions within a state (civil war), prosecuted by force and having the purpose of compelling the …

7. 13 The primary danger of war was the irrational arms race and overly hostile relations between the major military powers.

8. The world stood poised between peace and war.

9. The war interrupted the trade between the two countries.

10. The dispute leads to a war between the tribes.

11. Japan entered World War I and declared war on the Central Powers.

12. The Biafran war also known as the Nigerian Civil War was a war between the Nigerian Government and the state of secessionist

13. The beginning of a war between man and machines.

14. A.D. 1914 war broke out between the two kings.

15. The 20-year cold war between them turned thermonuclear.

16. The Powers did not intervene because of the power struggles between them.

17. Trade between the two countries was interrupted by the war.

18. + And there was war between A·biʹjah and Jer·o·boʹam.

19. + There was also war between A·biʹjam and Jer·o·boʹam.

20. Belligerency (bəlĭj`ərənsē), in international law, status of parties legally at war.Belligerency exists in a war war, armed conflict between states or nations (international war) or between factions within a state (civil war), prosecuted by force and having the purpose of …

21. The crisis was resolved and a war between superpowers was averted.

22. The war between China and Japan in 1894 is an exemplification.

23. 1916 – World War I: The Central Powers capture Bucharest.

24. Korean War, which broke out in the early years of the Cold War after World War II, was the first hot war during the Cold War period, and one of the severe conflicts between the East and the West.

25. War powers are also Bestirring our Congress

26. 11 The annals also recorded a war between the Romans and the Saxons.

27. The past few months have witnessed a price war between leading supermarkets.

28. In bourgeois terms, it was a war between the Allies and Germany.

29. Conflict between the two militias soon escalated into a full-scale war.

30. Between 1858 and 1863, local Caudillos engaged in a chaotic power struggle known as the Federal War, because the Liberals favored federalism

31. So this war between angels is really gonna happen, huh?

32. In Nigerian history books, that period between 1966 and 1970 is called The Nigerian Civil War or The Nigerian-Biafran war

33. Galactic war rages between Amoeban Paranoids and all-female Solnoids

34. The spice war between Burns Philp and McCormick created a costly bidding war for shelf space that hurt both companies.

35. The War between Qing Dynasty and Annam occurred in the periods of Qianlong.

36. The modern-day cold war between the superpowers is well illustrated by this.

37. A flashback of the Great War between the Titans and the Olympians is shown.

38. War between Austria-Hungary and Serbia broke out on the 28th, and in the span of a week all of the major European powers had joined the conflict.

39. ‘Pushing’ Between World Powers

40. The war between these two countries has been long-drawn-out and episodic.

41. The Crimean War signaled several things to the major European powers

42. 1 July — World War II: Germany is divided between the Allied occupation forces.

43. English history: war between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists under Charles I; 1644 - 16

44. There is no war, conflict or even any disputes between Azeris

45. A progression of disagreements has led to war between those nations.

46. Congress has the power to declare war .

47. He ruled during the protracted war between the Byzantine Empire and the First Bulgarian Empire.

48. You know the story of "The Iliad," the 10-year war between Greece and Troy.

49. At that time, there have been acts of war between the Franks and Croats.

50. The First Anglo-Burmese War arose from friction between Arakan in western Burma and

51. In Bolshevik terms, it was a war between the Allied and German upper classes.

52. 1 There was a fellow feeling between everyone who had lived through the war.

53. Causalities of war: The connection between type VI secretion system and microbiota Cell Microbiol

54. One thousand years ago, a war raged between humans and the demonic Org race.

55. At the start of the twentieth century two power blocs emerged through alliances between the European Great Powers.

56. Tone of debate.; Belligerent Actually engaged in war: as, the Belligerent powers.; Belligerent Pertaining to war, or to those engaged in war: as, Belligerent rights, etc.

57. The Treaty of Kalisz of 1343 ended open war between the Teutonic Knights and Poland.

58. Unfortunately, during that time, another war broke out between the police and the drug gangs.

59. The war of nerves between police and the barricaded guerrillas has escalated in recent days.

60. There was no " tug of war " between dye manufacturers and creosote users.

61. There stands no stronger bond between men, than one forged in war.

62. 1915 - Bulgaria enters World War I as one of the Central Powers.

63. Before the American Civil War, there was a great Antagonism between the north and the south

64. The Cold War between communist states and capitalist states involved espionage and preparation for war between powerful nations, along with political and military interference by powerful states in the internal affairs of less powerful nations.

65. Throughout the Cold War, the Allies asserted their right to move freely between the two Berlins.

66. Now that the war is over may there be a lasting peace between our nations.

67. War raged between the clans, and that meant pressure on me to make more weapons.

68. Though incomparable in scale with the two world wars, the Korean War was the first hot war during the cold-war period, and was also one of the severest conflicts between the East and the West.

69. You and I both know it'll soon be war between us and the Yankee aggressors.

70. During the Cold War, the Asian power of Japan and the European powers of the United Kingdom, France, and West Germany rebuilt their economies.

71. Tensions between Russia and Japan would increase in the years after the First Sino-Japanese War.

72. There was a heated propaganda war between the Entente Countries and the Ally Countries during WWI.

73. The Spanish–American War and World War I confirmed the country's status as a global military power.

74. War between Boppist and anti-Boppist factions was almost political in its defenses

75. Battle definition is - a general encounter between armies, ships of war, or aircraft

76. Nobody really expects the outbreak of a hot war between the two sides in the near future.

77. A secret tunnel was constructed below the hills of the Phu Kheng Jar Quarry Site during the Second Indochina War (between 1964 to 1973), or the Vietnam War.

78. Testing severely the powers of endurance; strenuous: a long, Arduous, and exhausting war

79. In the event of a war between Austria-Hungary and Russia, Italy promised to remain neutral.

80. It is election year, and a phoney war is being waged between the two main parties.